
Philosophy of Care

Mission Statement

You Matter, We Care!

Sentinel Homecare is a private limited company whose mission is to offer a continuum of services directed toward the support, care and empowerment of individuals with developmental or physical disabilities.

Sentinel Homecare Limited is committed to improving the quality of life for those individuals by alleviating barriers to their independence and striving to help them reach their full potential.

Sentinel Homecare 10 Cultural Values

At SHC our cultural values underpin everything we do: 

1) Safety: We make this our number one priority where our client’s and carers are safeguarded and health and safety takes the forefront within any stage of care.
2) Integrity: Trust, honesty and openness are the foundations upon which Sentinel was built. These are regularly adhered to through a system of clear communication and feedback. 

3) Quality: We are committed to providing a tailored and high-quality package of care for each individual client to suit their needs. Working by our “Quality of Life” principles we aim to achieve this. 

4) Dignity and Respect: All staff make it their upmost priority to understand our clients based on their individual needs and experiences in order to best match the correct level of care. Compassion and empathy are always at the heart of this.

5) Empowerment: In order to best support our clients choices and rights we encourage independence as far as possible, alongside a stringent system of monitoring.

6) Confidentiality: We do our upmost to protect our client’s privacy through keeping all information safe and secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

7) Equality: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We aim to provide a system of inclusive care which is aligned to each and every client’s needs.

8) Diversity: We aim to provide care for a range of clients from all walks of life with a detailed knowledge of their individual needs to ensure they are living a fulfilling life style. 

9) Social Responsibility: We work to meet all our all our stakeholders needs and make an invaluable contribution to society and our local community.

10) Continuous improvement: We ensure the highest standard of care, through a robust system of monitoring, client feedback, training and regular review of our working practices.

Our commitment:

We are committed to improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental or physical disabilities by alleviating barriers to their independence and striving to help them reach their full potential.

Click here to read about our award win in the local Telegraph and Argus.

Care home
"For domiciliary homecare services please call us on 01274 940 091”.
Sentinel Homecare Limited First Floor Hamilton House, Duncombe Road, Bradford BD8 9TB
Good Quality commission logo rated good

The Mindful Employer symbol is displayed by employers who have signed the Mindful Employer Charter who wish to improve the working lives of their staff and willing to work towards better mental health practice. For more information please visit www.mindfulemployer.net

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